Comment of the Month

Comment of the Month:[September, 2022]

Comment of the Month honors the most insightful, informative, and provocative comments posted to the SCRF Forum in a given month. High quality forum contributions are hard work, and Comment of the Month recognizes the care and effort put into these contributions by selecting the top three comments, chosen by our community in a public poll, awarding them a DAI prize, and highlighting them on our social media outlets.

To nominate a comment, reply to this post with a link to the comment being nominated and a short description of your reasons for selecting it. The following guidelines might also be helpful in supporting nominations:

  • Comment provided a particularly thoughtful question
  • Comment provided and explained external quality sources to support ideas
  • Comment included engagement with comments and elaborated on previous ideas
  • Comment provides a summary of discussion or raises new points in the discussion
  • Comment accurately applies the research and discussion to a current event or industry trend.
  • Comment increases understanding of the original research or helps clarify confusions.

At the end of the month, these nominations will be put into a poll and voting will be open to our community.


I really liked this response from @haabbas. Not only did it address all the questions, but it supported claims with external sources while also elaborating on the ideas that were in the original research summary. It helps that this came from the summary author, but I particularly enjoyed this response and thought it helped move the conversation forward and increased clarity.


i love how he highlighted the practicality of these technologies,especially where he highlights the effects of these technologies on society .


Thanks… I appreciate the recognition


Thank you for the Nomination @zube.paul !


Thank you for the nomination @GloriaOkoba


I liked @Hermes_Corp response to the question. How they broke two possible conclusion leads to wash trading. Detailing how both these leads worked and how NFT wash trading plays part in this.


Hi @GloriaOkoba @Woodrow_Jackson was thinking that nominated posts are supposed to come from the said month? Perhaps I am wrong, please clarify.


I’m nominating this response by @Gift82822546. It’s a great response to a question, provides additional resources to back up the reasoning being applied, and does a great job of confronting overly simplified implications of QC. Plus, it was easy to follow the reasoning.


I second the motion @zube.paul

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The above individual aka @drllau with a one-sentence comment provides a summary of my internal discussion at this moment my trajectory was instantly validated, the months of endless research. A stranger with a single sentence shook my core, the research I have been doing is accurate. This single sentence will be the last thing my mind will ever forget. So he should be recognized for this commentary all around our community, it’s epic a real influencer of solid knowledge, and wide and far, I literally think they know everything!

This comment by @drllau stands out to me because in answering a question from an earlier comment, they provide strong arguments both for and against legal personhood for DAOs. I think this contribution is informative and continues the discussion on a path that could motivate new research.

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Hey @Ulysses sorry my late response but yes nominations are suppose to come in for that said month.

September Comment of the Month Poll

0 voters