What is a SCRF Citizen and How To Claim Your Badge!

Good to see so many people interacting with the Citizenship quest. In addition to working through how it works, this might be a great place to explore what we as a community think good SCRF citizenship means.

I think this is important for two reasons. The first is for the health of our own community, establishing what citizenship means and having a discussion about how that aligns with mission/vision seems to be a good periodic discussion to have. Citizenship, to me at least, is not just about being part of a community but also implies a step beyond including responsibilities to being a citizen. What are they?

The other reason I think this is a good discussion to have is that as a community and organization that embraces public experiments, here is one we are actively doing by using a tool to accomplish a task of badging and recognizing “citizens.” Discussing that experience is mission aligned in that it provides value to the web3 ecosystem who can also learn from our tool and approach experiments.

So here are my initial questions of interest I would like to see us explore in this thread.

  • What are the responsibilities/opportunities that comes with SCRF citizenship?
  • How does citizenship in our community align with our mission and vision?
  • Does this badge/process reflect what we would expect from and want for our community and organization?

Looking forward to the discussion!