Smart contracts on the blockchain – A bibliometric analysis and review

Smart contracts on the blockchain – A bibliometric analysis and review

  • Smart contracts on the blockchain – A bibliometric analysis and review - ScienceDirect

  • summary, discussion

  • bibliometric, Paper review

  • bibliometric analysis, summary, review, smart contract

  • Hi, because I’m new here, I want to know the trend of the blockchain research and know where to dig in. So I plan to start with some paper related to bibliometric analysis. Since I have the Information Analysis background, I want to study this paper to know the trend, and summarize it on SCRF. So other new guys like me can know the trend of the blockchain research.


Thanks for posting an idea for a summary. We don’t always have the conversations we need to have about proposed ideas on the forum, so I really appreciate you taking the time to use the forum to publically propose a post idea. As a community, we also need to be using this space to discuss post ideas and the fit for the forum. Hopefully this can be a good post idea to remind us of our commitment to this practice.

To get that conversation started, it would be helpful to flesh out some of the value of summarizing this for the forum a little more. In particular, could you address the following?

  • It is valuable to provide people with some background knowledge, but most of the summaries go beyond background knowledge. How does this proposed summary help our community extend knowledge?
  • Could you explain what you mean by “the trend of blockchain research” that you are aiming for this summary to provide?
  • One of the SCRF researchers is also working on a bibliometric summary. It would be great to have @Larry_Bates and you discuss the degree of overlap that may or may not exist.

I also invite others to jump into this thread to discuss the fit of this proposed idea for the forum.


Hi Paul, Thanks for your reply

  1. What is " go beyond background knowledge" means here?

  2. bibliometric method can find many metrics about a research domain, such as common keywords, popular topic, high-impact researcher in recent years. By doing so, we can know the trend of the blockchain smart contract research.


I certainly appreciate the value of the bibliometric method, I just wanted to make sure that this paper isn’t going to have too much overlap with the direction that another summary is going.

The going beyond background knowledge point might be more important to me, however. There is certainly need for background information regarding blockchain research. In my mind, background information makes the most sense in our notable works threads though, as opposed to a summary by itself. I could be wrong there though, which is why having this discussion is valuable.

To me, this paper would be great of updating some of our glossary terms, tags, and categories as opposed to being a summary to discuss. I’m very open to a discussion though, so it would be great to get some community engagement here as well as some of more elaboration from @EasonC13 on what this paper can do for the forum.


Hi @EasonC13. Thanks for contributing your idea. Glad we can take the time to discuss this.

Referring to your expectations to learn more about the “trend of blockchain” research, are you suggesting this summary will be an overview of many topics at once? If so, what do you feel the inherent value will be for our community?

  • Do you expect it will be mostly useful for newcomers?

I noticed in the abstract the paper refers to several different research strands, so I am curious if there are any specific topics you are aiming to put your focus toward.

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Hi, @shoule @zube.paul
Thanks for your reply! The most attractive topic to me is technical foundations.

This paper shows the trend of blockchain research and the most popular journal/conference for top blockchain papers. Therefore, new members can select the hottest topic to dig into and choose the paper wisely by proper conference.

Furthermore, the researchers at SCRF can know how their interested research topic / favorite researcher related to others by metrics like co-citations or correlation. By doing so, they might find more topics they are interested in.

The result of the paper summary can also be a reliable reference for updating the glossary terms, tags, and categories instead of being a summary to discuss.


Having a summary of a targeted bibliometric analysis (in the case that it exists) seems like a great starting point for highlighting what needs to be done and what has already been done. I am starting to think that getting a few bibliometric analysis summaries with specific goals will be useful for a few reasons beyond what has already been stated. If anything, having a breakdown of these analyses will make it easier for someone attempting to do research to have a starting point with alternatives readily available.

The current summary I am working on is specifically focused on Oracles, and doesn’t seem to have too much overlap with this proposed summary. That diversity of topics actually made me think this approach would be something useful to take further beyond the current summary in progress and this topic that was proposed. I would think it would be extremely useful if we get bibliometric analyses based upon the categories, tags, and topics that have been identified within the forum as being relevant to both academia and industry.

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