SCRF Terms Glossary and Content Tags

I’ve been going through some of our old posts, making tagging suggestions and can also see the need for an Ethics tag. A couple of other suggestions:

Incentivisation - separate from game theory in that could be more community building focused, also would cover papers like the recent one on Discussion Post: Can Gambling Increase Savings? Empirical Evidence on Prize Linked Savings Accounts
Coding - Intended for software-focused posts, such as Research Summary: Coding a DeFi arbitrage bot or Deep Diving into PRBMath, a Library for Advanced Fixed-Point Math
Hardware - this comes from the surge of interest in AI, IoT, and blockchain, and an interesting discussion in our chat about defining hardware
Keepers - an emerging area within Oracles and Hybrid contracts
Stablecoins* (which is already a term, but not a tag)