Research Summary - What is in Your Wallet? Privacy and Security Issues in Web 3.0

Great work @Tolulope well i agree that for the purpose of thwarting phishing attacks, the creation of fake address is a good approach to this.

Web 3.0, in my opinion, is a given, and generally speaking, there are more positive reasons than negative ones, security concerns and user data privacy aside. To participate in Web 3.0, businesses, users, and developers must be aware of the security issues involved.

DeFi offers a wide range of possibilities. Regulators, investors, and the financial markets, however, also face significant risks and difficulties as a result.
Consider in a DeFi undertaking is constructed inside the network. people work with each other at once, for reasons to navigate their economic choices. That said, the platform is susceptible to bugs inside the clever agreement, that’s a self-executing agreement that bureaucracy the premise of DeFi tasks. Well, DeFi platforms are encountering more hacks than ever some time recently as request for decentralized back (DeFi) applications rises. DeFi hacks have fetched clients more than $2.0 billion so distant in 2021, making token security more critical than ever. According to me, I would say there isn’t a straightforward way to bargain with such dangers.