Research Summary: What is a DAO? Conceptual Foundations

If the law protects the DAO and its rules and regulations are followed, members of the DAO are less likely to be at odds with each other. However, in order for this to be successful, all of the members of the DAO need to contribute to and be in agreement with, the process of developing the DAO’s guidelines.

This indicates that as the DAO expands in size, it will become increasingly difficult to successfully complete the process of “legal wrapping” the DAO.

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I think one of the importance of DAO is security, but i want to ask, does it mean that amidst the security, it can’t be manipulated or bridged, or funds stolen?
If so, then why DAO?

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@Bukaric A DAO is based on blockchain and is often controlled by a native crypto token.Thus, this may lead to the manipulation of the DAO.
Yes,it was hacked before and it can be bridged. Example is the Avocado DAO tokens, which can now be bridged from Ethereum to the BNB.
Just like every other organization, DAO has its pros and cons. In addition to previously mentioned importance and benefits,DAOs development offers immediate trust and transparency for entities to focus on achieving their collective interests, Performing security audits is also an important part of DAO development, as they help mitigate the risks associated with DAOs.

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Regarding the Decentralized Autonomous Organization Conceptual Foundation, I appreciate the Detailed Summary @danielo

My research led me to the conclusion that a DAO is a completely automated company structure that employs CODES.

Given that a Dao uses codes, my question is: What if, by chance, the creators make coding or coding-related mistakes?
Do you just mean that all of the Dao’s data is lost? How can it be recovered if it is not lost?

In light of the fact that a Dao is an automated business structure that doesn’t require human oversight, it is devoid of critical thought. How will the Dao manage their project effectively in the event of a crisis or other unusual circumstance?

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