Research Summary: Dissimilar Redundancy in DeFi

Following up on (or adding to) @jmcgirk’s and @cipherix’s questions:

I enjoyed the detail you provided on the Boeing 777 Fly-By-Wire system, specifically the three different “lanes” using various power supplies and processors. In that example, the “redundancy” seems very reliably implemented in the physical world. If there is any discrepancy in the lanes, that would be known virtually instantly given the speed of semiconductors, and the plane (presumably) could not take off.

Everyone agrees on the need for secure smart contract implementation, and your avionics analogy sounds promising. But unless I’m misunderstanding, it’s more an analogy at this point than reproduction of a literal model. For one thing, smart contracts occur in a complex, decentralized network which adds enormous complications that we don’t see in the physical airplane model. You also mention that transaction fees would “at least” double, and this is in systems already beset by great gas costs and scalability issues.

Could you walk us a bit more through the similarities to the avionics “three lane” analogy and how they would or wouldn’t apply to networked smart contracts?