Research Summary: Dissimilar Redundancy in DeFi

Summary (comments 1-16):

Dissimilar Redundancy is designed to strengthen smart contracts and protect protocols in decentralized finance systems against attacks and vulnerabilities. While this research summary covers how this approach would be used in Ethereum and the Ethereum Virtual Machine, the discussion further explores how other industries use and benefit from this kind of safety mechanism and regulatory needs that may arise in Ethereum.

Here is a breakdown of questions, topics, and key responses (KR) in the discussion:

  1. Are there other models used in other industries that use of mission-critical systems? (posed by jmcgirk)

KR: rlombreglia questions how the model of redundancy in avionics transfers to smart contract ecosystems that may have higher complexity and more costs associated with the model.

KR: fsxforte points to the rail industry and digital-based voting

KR: fsxorte also addresses rlombreglia’s concern of implementation feasibility by explaining how transactions would have to occur to ensure proper execution.

  1. Can gas prices could hinder development and adoption of this approach? (posed by Kydo)

KR: Cipherix shares how double transactions could be applied to certain functions in the application

KR: Jerry_Ho questions if redundancy can be offered as a premium feature as opposed to being a standard.

Points of Disagreement
The question of whether the model of redundancy that exists in avionics is truly transferable to networked smart contracts was highlighted early on. While decentralized systems are complex, multiple implementations of an algorithm on the network layer may be necessary for safe transactions. Additionally, high transaction fees could be an adoption and scalability issue but it is unsure whether it’s a small price given the possible increase in security.

Unresolved questions
Are these redundancy algorithms scalable and worthwhile considering this approach doubles cost of transactions?

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