Research Summary - Convergence of Blockchain, IoT, and AI

… and almost one year later, Seth returns :man_facepalming:

You bring up a great point about energy consumption for AIoT devices that power blockchain, and there is some (albeit limited) discussion of this in two of my AIoT Blockchain papers: MLAV and Parameter Space Exploration. In a nutshell, consensus algorithms and verification methods both have huge implications on power consumption for blockchain systems. In MLAV, we replace traditional signature verification with a novel aggregate verification method, and in Parameter Space Exploration, we find that Crash Fault Tolerance (CFT) is an inherently energy-efficient consensus method - a good choice if there is no risk of malicious nodes in the blockchain system.

Needless to say, lots has happened ever since your comment was posted: further increased gas prices, major dips in the price of cryptocurrencies across the board (their prices were getting ready to peak when you made that comment), and huge breakthroughs in AI such as we see with DALL-E 2, quantum AI platforms developed by NVIDIA and Google, and even talks of GPT-4 development.

I’ve also been hearing talks about 6G development recently, but I haven’t done any research on that yet… do you happen to be familiar in that area?