CommunityRule refactor now online

Thanks so much for this! Especially your interest in helping with documentation:) I’m actually unsure about whether to maintain those large text-based descriptions of modules. As I’ve reported to SCRF earlier, I’m interested in moving CommunityRule toward less of a text-heavy design and more toward configuration options that help explain to users how a module might work. Still, if you find those docs useful and would like to contribute, I would love that, and would be happy to make sure they’re readily available on the platform. Here they are in the repo.

In terms of the module set, I am actually planning to simplify the set of default available modules and encourage more module customization. One piece of feedback I’ve gotten a lot is that a lot of the names of the modules are opaque and unfamiliar, and this makes the platform harder to use. For instance, I think it might be better, rather than having 5 different voting modules, to just have one voting module that can be configured in many different ways.

I’m also not sure, if we have a shorter module list, if we need to maintain the categories of modules. There is certainly overlap, and it is hard to draw clean lines. But if anything, I think of the categories in terms of prompting users to make sure they have all those things—e.g., don’t forget about culture!

I’d love to hear any further thoughts you have! If you’re interested in discussing your participation in the project, I’d be happy to set up a call.