A Decentralized Framework for Patents and Intellectual Property as NFT in Blockchain Networks

Paper / Discussion Title

A Decentralized Framework for Patents and Intellectual Property as NFT in Blockchain Networks

There are few studies regarding the application of NFTs for certification of corporate assets and Intellectual Property. With the advent of various NFT standards in blockchain systems, Intellectual Property protection applications can easily be filed, licensed and transferred in an open market without even the need to meet in-person.

The paper accesses various NFT token asset standards, use cases and application layers for intellectual property protection.

Summarizing this research paper for SCRF would be a step towards the promotion of developing NFT use case in certification of intellectual property right for easy transferability, tracing infringement and a global market for IP licensing/transfer.


I hope we can make this one work, I’m particularly interested in reading about developments in blockchain technologies and policy outside of the United States and this one has been written by scholars from Iran and China. @Legalpreneur where did you find this article?

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Got it from the Research pulse section. Some recent release in October.


I had picked this in October for my Mentorship Research Summary.

I had deliberately mentioned it cos I figured something like this would happen.

No worries, I’ll pick something else.

@Fizzymidas I just noticed the commentary recently and a post idea would have rather sufficed. I had been working on a similar research paper topic for a legal journal.

However, I am opting to select a new research summary and already submitted the post idea.

Hoping that can be approved.

Thank you.

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Thanks for this piece, I absolutely loved it .

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None fungible token could be the next big thing. It’s here already but we’re yet to be hot by its almanac of possibilities and opportunities going forward.

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